Why Criminals Are Attracted to Politics

The dead children’s spirits are in peace, that’s all I can say. Only their bodies are left behind. When we cry, we cry for ourselves who are still in the battle. Someone just wrote: “Not Politicians Become Criminals….. Criminals Become Politicians….” So true that criminals and politics go hand in glove, a perfect fit for the subjugation of good people and the advancement of endless … Continue reading Why Criminals Are Attracted to Politics

When American Protestants Understand What Jews Believe

Interesting that the people who are most interested in the Talmud are Protestant. The reason for this is that they’ve had Jewish Supremacy rammed down their throats since childhood in Protestant Sunday schools and services. I’ve already demonstrated with evidence, but this reminds us, that the Protestant movement always was a Jewish Talmudic operation designed to fragment and destroy the true Church established by Christ, … Continue reading When American Protestants Understand What Jews Believe

One Report That Makes Sense: How the IDF Killed over a Thousand Jewish People on October 7

A cowardly base commander hiding in a safe room calls in the IDF for aerial bombing of his own base and his own soldiers who are still outside fighting off Hamas offensive. This is the only report that can explain why the Jews in Israel are so angry at Bibi. Although the report claims that the General was “trying desperately to repulse the attack”, in … Continue reading One Report That Makes Sense: How the IDF Killed over a Thousand Jewish People on October 7

A Threatening Sort of Ally

It’s their joy in murder, torment and annihilation of entire populations that is the temporary strength of the Jewish people. They’ll kill your dog, your father, all of your brothers and then pretend to be you. The previous article has a video supposedly of Palestinians dancing. They are probably Jewish and the video is probably a mockery. I doubt that YouTube would allow real Palestinians … Continue reading A Threatening Sort of Ally

Palestinian Siege and Our Stolen Money

To ask American politicians to not support Israel is to ask Israel to not support Israel. Let’s everyone just face the fact that Jews control American politics, not the other way around. Everyone is getting this wrong, on purpose, in order to prevent a solution and waylay the blame on American people who have no control over the situation. Israeli Jews can vote and influence … Continue reading Palestinian Siege and Our Stolen Money

The Balfour Declaration: Where’s the Letterhead of the British Crown?

Just to be clear, the Balfour Declaration is not typed on British government letterhead. The Balfour Declaration is not a legal document. It’s a private letter sent from someone claiming to be the British Foreign Office to Lord Rothschild, with an illegible signature, and not on official stationery. The letter alleges to be passing to Lord Rothschild a message from someone else called His Majesty. … Continue reading The Balfour Declaration: Where’s the Letterhead of the British Crown?

Everything Palestinian is Censored

The Jewish state doesn’t want anyone to see a Palestinian dance troupe or a beautiful Palestinian city and people. Is a traditional Palestinian folk dance too dangerous a truth? There is so much beauty that is censored, and so much stupidity that isn’t. And here is another beautiful city being destroyed because some morons lust for sky scrapers on stolen land. Let us all pray … Continue reading Everything Palestinian is Censored

Jewish Army Bombs Christian Church and Hospital While Expecting US Military Aid

There was another very graphic short video of the mother and her crying, bloodied child in the aftermath of the Israeli bombing of St. Porphyry Church, 2000 years old, in Gaza. This is a hate crime. I tried to copy the address several times but the Israeli censorship is immediate. I could neither copy or paste it and the share button didn’t work. As usual, … Continue reading Jewish Army Bombs Christian Church and Hospital While Expecting US Military Aid