News Conference Sound Effects

Those loud camera clicks at news conferences are an anachronism. Digital cameras are now silent, or close to it. Here is a link to an example of downloadable sound effects for a fake news conference, if you ever want to fake your own news conference at home or from jail. Those loud clicks were in yesterday’s press conference with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo … Continue reading News Conference Sound Effects

A Side Note

It’s getting lonely in here.  I’ve been debating whether I should write  about my feelings in this space, but I don’t know who reads it and so, why talk about feelings? I don’t like to depress people with the day to day ostracism that I endure. Dirty looks, rolling eyes, people walking out the door in my mid-sentence, being called crazy and evil and idiot … Continue reading A Side Note

White House Spies in Jail

It was because of this photo that I decided to search for images online of the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center because it looks so much like the New York Metropolitan Correctional Center.  I’ve seen the Lafayette City Jail, as it’s called, many times because it’s in downtown Lafayette not far from where I live, and next to the courthouse. It turns out that images of … Continue reading White House Spies in Jail