When Germany First Fell To Scoundrels and Thieves

Kaiser William II was the one, with the best of intentions, who had begun dialogue with a certain unmentionable non-German self-interested minority group. This fatal decision began the process of the enslavement of Germany to this same Unmentionable non-German self-interested minority group. This was done by means of a devious transition of rulership away from the hereditary German family who had been around forever. That was a time when no one alive could remember a time when this legitimate Kaiser’s family had not been there. The history of Germany’s ruling family goes back a long, long way to the tribal culture of the Israelites.

I don’t know much about World War I, but the next clip is a short description written by a World War I German soldier. It was a time similar to ours. The people had been tricked out of what they wanted, and were given a sham Republic in its place, run by a small, selfish and not totally sane group of dishonest insiders. Instead of a hereditary Prince of their own tribe, Germany found itself with “slackers” who had rulership over the German military. This wounded soldier describes the moment he realizes that Germany had fought, not for Germany, but for a gang of scoundrels and thieves. No one in Germany celebrated democracy and republic. Instead, the people mourned the loss of the Kaiser’s protection.

This should be required reading, or listening:


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