Day of Visibility

If Trump loses to Leticia James and pays the full penalty, Trump might not be bankrupt but New York City will spend the entire penalty amount in just about one single day. Whether or not it’s been prearranged for Trump to get a kickback of some of it or not, either way, Trans Day of Visibility may be preventing that.

Suppose this Colorado Judge is the visible tranny version of the person who just had to pony up $175,000,000 in order to appeal a ruling in New York City, so that he/she can run for President.


Money moving from a campaign finance account to payment of a civil penalty which is then used to pay the winner of a city contract, has then effectively been laundered from the campaign finance budget into a private bank account or several.

Aren’t we told that there is an urgent need for free housing for illegal immigrants? And aren’t those contracts especially sweet for people who own failed property in New York City? One illegal-immigrant housing contract and Trump could get back triple what he paid in penalties to Letitia.

All the scoundrels in question have an opposite-gender identity or two. Besides the long list of male false identities I already proposed for a particular presidential candidate, there’s this one, proving that they all play both sides of the political clown show.

The illegal immigrants will get a goodly amount of several city budgets for themselves. Biden will undoubtably get his cut of the 2 billion dollars that his cousin Obrador the Mexican President now demands. Zelensky will get his billions and Netanyahu will get his. Al Sisi gets some, and the list gets long. Plans for rebuilding Jewish owned Gaza at American’s expense are long underway.

The reason why Hitler and the National Socialist Party is so despised and censored by the globalist forces is because they sought to abolish the ability for State actors to borrow money that the public has to pay back. The usury based economy is criminal in itself and the sociopaths who cling to it will stop at nothing to maintain it. With mob based usury, one group wins and the rest of us lose. Murder and mayhem is their specialty.
Lies are their mainstay.

Germany lost the war against usury a hundred years ago. The system itself was controlled by scoundrels who took pleasure in crashing the economy of the very nation where they resided. We see them still taking advantage of the national tragedies that they create. It’s beginning to look like destroying bridges in America is the latest scam method for skimming Federal money from public “emergency” budgets.

I’ve been taking a good look at the players in the Iran Contra Scandal, and now I see the same faces running Israel. Ollie North and friends are conducting profitable genocidal wars in both Palestine and Ukraine, and forcing us to pay for both, plus the invasion of our own nation. Creating wars between nations, trafficking in drugs and humans, insurance fraud and hijacking the public treasury are all culturally normal economic activities of the scoundrels.

Propaganda and brainwashing can be a good thing if a healthy message is the mantra. It all depends on who is in charge of the State. Like good parents who monitor what their children are exposed to, society in general needs moral guidelines regarding repetitious negative messages that we can’t escape. There should be some common ground of decency that we can all agree on. However, that common ground should not be dictated by scoundrels. The purchase of TIKTOK is the most recent goal of the scoundrels. Trump gathers up the money, Congress prepares the legislation and porn stars create the content, while everyone else is censored.

Given control of the State, these scoundrels are now demonstrating the extent of their incompetence to rule. How bad does it have to get before they are kicked out and what will that look like? It would look great to just shut down about 75% of government, I suspect.

Someone declared “Hitler Day of Visibility” yesterday. I like that.—The-Abolition-of-Interest-Servitude:29

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