Russian Embassy Met With Father Gruner About Fatima: Details in Letter

Fr. Gruner’s letter About his meeting with The Russians online !

This link is being messed with, but the letter is published at

Garabandal News. org.

What it says basically is that shortly before Putin’s meeting with Pope Francis in Rome several years ago, Father Gruner was contacted to meet with Putin’s people at the Russian Embassy.  Father Gruner assumed that they were actually Putin’s people, when they asked him to explain the Fatima Prophecy in 2014.

The letter has very interesting details, well worth reading, and there’s a link to an interview with Father Gruner. Full text is reprinted below.

Father Gruner didn’t survive long after those events, though he was in good health previously. If you know what I mean.


March 05, 2014

Ash Wednesday

Dear [name omitted] :

The time has come to tell you things that I have had to keep secret until now. […]

Things have been happening behind the scenes. No sooner had I returned from Rome after our attempt to make the papally promised (but unfulfilled) October 13, 2013 consecration of the world to the Immaculate Heart a consecration of Russia, then I had to go back to Rome. why ?

Our office in Rome received a phone call – from the Russian Embassy!

The Russian official let it be known, in that roundabout language that diplomats use, that the Russians wanted to meet with me! He said that if I were in Rome, the embassy would welcome a visit from me.

When I found out, I wondered what it could mean.

I knew that in a few weeks time, Vladimir Putin was to meet with Pope Francis in Rome. Could the call and the meeting be connected?

I wondered what should I do, [name omitted]?

I was tired from my recent travels and the demands that our campaign in Rome had made upon my energy. I am 71 and not quite as resilient as I once was.

The apostolate was also broke from our Rome campaign and all the costs of printing and distributing 200,000 copies of L’Osservatore Fatima and our other publicity. We had no money left for such travel.

I always want to be able to respond to the opportunities Our Lady offer us, but I also have to look at our bank account and measure what we want to do against what we are able to pay for.

So I did not act immediately. I also wondered how important such a meeting might be? Would the expense be justified and where would the money come from?


Somehow, through diplomatic channels, he had learned the Russians had approached me. This Cardinal has shown his support for our apostolate in the past. I knew him as a trusted friend.


I have never refused an opportunity to serve our Lady and make her Message known and obeyed. And now, it appeared plainly, an opportunity was being placed before me. Of course I went!

It is a bit intimidating to meet with powerful people and not always easy to read their expressions and know what is in their minds. And diplomats have their own coded language that is not always easy to decipher.

Still [name omitted], I went, a priest whose only claim to fame is an apostolate that has struggled for almost 36 years to keep its financial head above water so that the Message of our Lady of Fatima can be know in its fullness – and obeyed!

I sat facing a high ranking representative of one of the most powerful nations on Earth – Russia, the nation specifically mentioned by our Lady of Fatima Prophecies – and I did what I have always done :

I repeated Her Message and Her Promises.

This was apparently why I had been asked to see them.


You might wonder : The Russians were in Rome – The seat of governance for the worldwide Catholic Church, with several pontifical universities, numerous scholars, scores of priests, bishops and Cardinals.

They had many sources of information available to them; many highly placed Church officials they could have consulted. BUT-


And it was obvious to our Vatican based Cardinal that they wanted to hear it from me before the Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Pope Francis on Nov. 25!

I told the Russians what our Lady told us, though the seers in 1917, and in later messages given through Sister Lucy. I told them that the Pope and bishops had been requested to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


I told them that if this were done, Our Lady promised that Russia would be converted and a period of peace granted to the world.


I told them of Our Apostolate, of our decades of work, of our attempt to have the Pope and bishops do as our Lady asked, and the long history of disobedience to Her requests. And I told them of the terrible consequences of continued disobedience.


Why, I wonder, will not the leaders of the Catholic Church listen? If only I could sit down with the Holy Father and speak to him as I spoke to the Russians!


What came of my interview with the Russian officials?

I cannot say for certain. Vladimir Putin did meet of Pope Francis on November 25, 2013. He brought an Icon of our Lady as a gift, which both he and the Holy Father kissed before their talk commenced.

So we know this much [name omitted]: the meeting began with an act of reverence toward Our Lady. Her grace, Her presence was invoked. Can Her grace ever fail?

And although we do not know all of what was said, we know that peace was the mean topic. And we know that the Russians President must have been briefed by the Embassy officials in Rome before the meeting. What did they tell him about Fatima?

Busy, important people do not waste their time on frivolous interviews. If the Russians went out of their way to arrange an interview with me, they must have had their reasons for choosing to speak with me rather than the Vatican Secretary of State’s office.

How did they know about me, about our apostolate and our office in Rome? Just weeks before, we had been in Rome campaigning for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. As part of that campaign:

We hired trotters – billboards on trucks – to travel about Rome calling for the consecration of Russia on Oct. 13, as our Lady of Fatima specified. Much of Rome saw the billboards along with 1000s of our posters.

We printed and distributed 200,000 copies of L’Osservatore Fatima throughout Rome – to businesses, homes, apartments, on the street, in St. Peter’s Square.

We published a four-page advertorial calling for the consecration of Russia in Il Tempo – a large daily newspaper in Rome that was doubtless seen by 100s of 1000s of people.

I was interviewed by Oggi, the most popular news magazine in Italy which published an article about our mission in Rome!

We worked our personal contacts in Rome! We spoke to clergy, to bishops, to media people, to everyone and anyone who was willing to listen!


But in the end, the consecration did not take place. In fact, I was detained by Vatican security and questioned when I came to St. Peter’s Square. No less than the head of Vatican security told me not to go near the Pope!

So we know the Vatican was aware of our Presence. How could they not be? And we know the anti-Fatima forces were still in positions of power in the Vatican. That may explain why the promised consecration became a weak act of “entrustment.”

Not only was Russia not mentioned. The world was not mentioned! The Pope’s plans had been derailed – by whom and for what reason, we do not yet know. But something went wrong!

[Name omitted], my disappointment was great. I’ll admit. I felt heartsick. Another opportunity lost! How much longer can we delay the consecration before the most unthinkable chastisements unfold, I asked myself?

And, of course, I had to deal with the tremendous expense of our campaign. We were deep in the red. Had it been worth it? What did we accomplish, I wondered?

Then, the Russians called!

The Russians had noticed our campaign. They were watching to see what the Vatican would do. And they thought it important to learn all they could about the truth of Fatima before the President of Russia met with the Vicar of Christ!

Now, the Kremlin is Fatima-conscious!

Vladimir Putin is Fatima-conscious!

Where will it all lead? Eventually, we know, it will lead to the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope and the bishops.

Eventually, it will lead to the conversion of Russia and world peace. Our Lady has promised. We have Heaven’s word!

What role we will have played in this great drama is not for me to say. I have no way of knowing precisely. But I know this –




If we had not gone to Rome to work for the Consecration on October13, 2013 I don’t think the Russians would have wanted to speak to me before Putin met with the Pope. Perhaps, this was the plan of Providence all along.

The old saying, “Man proposes, God disposes” is ever relevant. We campaigned for a consecration; we got a meeting with the Russian embassy. Nothing goes to waste in the economy of salvation. Nothing happens outside of the Divine plan.

What will come of the meeting with the Russians? Perhaps it has already produced its result and is working itself out at this moment. We must have faith and be patient. After all, we are God’s servants, not his counsellors.

I am telling you about this episode now so that you will know how important it is for the Fatima Center to be able to respond to unforeseen circumstances and opportunities.

[I’m omitting several paragraphs here which consisted of Fr. Gruner explaining the necessity of generosity of benefactors for his apostolate and to humbly request further assistance for an emergency fund for events like the one he just described]

[Name omitted], are you with me? I need your Prayers and your alms. If you stand with me, and we stand with our Lady, there is nothing we cannot accomplish when called upon. Know that I always bless you and you are in my Prayers.

Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Father Nicholas Gruner

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